Holaaa, el 03 de marzo hable por WhatsApp a Babypollito porque estaba desesperada, estaba teniendo problemas con las extracciones, mis pechos no daban más de dolor y cada vez me salía menos leche, ese día me asesoro y me ayudo siempre con mucho amor y pudimos detectar que la talla del inserto no era la adecuada, hice la compra del inserto en la talla correcta el mismo día y 05 de marzo ya lo tenía en mis manos, lo probé y fue un cambio radical, no hubo más dolor y logre extraer más leche de lo que estaba haciendo anteriormente.
La recomiendo 1000%, es seca, te ayuda en todo y responde todas tus dudas.
(Translated by Google)
Hello, on March 3 I spoke to Babypollito on WhatsApp because I was desperate, I was having problems with the extractions, my breasts were no longer in pain and I was getting less and less milk, that day he advised me and always helped me with a lot of love and we were able detected that the size of the insert was not appropriate, I purchased the insert in the correct size on the same day and on March 5th I already had it in my hands, I tried it and it was a radical change, there was no more pain and I was able to extract more milk than I was doing previously.
I recommend her 1000%, she is dry, helps you with everything and answers all your questions.
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